How Does Screen Time Impact Your Child’s Sleep? See What the Research Has to Say
In today’s world, screens are everywhere. From the moment our kids wake up to the time they go to bed, screens are often a part of their daily lives. Whether they’re watching their favorite cartoons, playing educational games on a tablet, or video chatting with Grandma, children are living in a world where screens have become as prevalent as the toys in our homes.
As a parent, I know firsthand how tricky it can be to figure out the whole screen time thing. I always asked myself, How much is too much? and Is this show or game okay for my preschooler? It feels like a constant balancing act, especially when screens are everywhere. If you’ve ever wondered whether all this screen time affects your child’s sleep, you’re definitely not alone.
Can You Really Get Sleep While Traveling with Little Kids?
Let’s be honest—traveling with little ones can feel overwhelming. Between figuring out what to pack, navigating planes and trains, and keeping children entertained during the trip, it's a lot. But with a bit of preparation, traveling doesn’t have to be a nightmare. And when it comes to sleep—something that feels like it can make or break a trip—I’ve got you covered.
Surviving the Sunrise: Navigating Early Morning Wakings with Little Ones
Have you ever found yourself stumbling through the dark like a sleep-deprived zombie, courtesy of your little one’s early morning wake-up call? For many parents, early morning wakings are an all-too-familiar struggle that can leave you feeling exhausted and frustrated. Let’s dig into the reasons behind these pre-dawn wake-up calls and explore some solutions to make those mornings a bit less “Ugh!” and more, “Okay, I got this!”
Understanding and Conquering Sleep Regressions with Your Little One
Hey there, exhausted parents! Have you ever found yourself wondering why your once "good sleeper" has suddenly taken a turn for the worse? You're not alone, and you’re in the right place! Welcome to the world of sleep regressions – a phase that can leave even the most seasoned parents feeling like they're back to square one in the sleep department. But there’s no reason to worry! Let’s dive into the mysterious realm of sleep regressions and unravel the reasons behind them, so that you are equipped with strategies to navigate this challenging phase like a pro.
Cracking the Short Nap Code: Your Guide to Longer Naps
Every parent has eagerly anticipated those precious moments when their little one goes down for a long nap, only to be met with the frustration of seemingly endless short naps. Short naps can be incredibly frustrating. Just when you finally sit down to catch your breath or begin working on something, after 30-45 minutes, your little one wakes up. Like clockwork. Sometimes, it feels like you can count on them to wake at the exact same minute every time.